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We Did it! We are almost out of January!

January is a difficult month! It is challenging for us and our families to get back on track after the holidays and the weather usually does not help! There are tests, mid-terms, extra bills, it's stressful.

We have recently tried to do a screen free day at our house 1x a week, which helps to manage the insanity that January can be. Here are some things we have found to do instead of sitting on our sofa....

1) Story discussion -

Younger family members: Use bedtime story as a starting point and spend time drawing about, or discussing the story. What are best/worst parts, who are best/worst characters; what do you imagine would happen after the story ends? What things do you do similarly to the characters? Do you ride a bus like the Pigeon?

Older family members: Pick an article out of the paper and discuss its impact. Is there any action your family can take to do something about this issue? What else can you look up about it. Is it funny, tradgic? Why? How? Does this story remind you of Shakespear? A painting you saw? A podcast you heard? A song you know? Does it inspire you?

2) Game night. Favorites in my house include Family Feud, Apple to Apples and Exploding Kittens.

3) Friday is usually a FREE NIGHT at many museums around NYC. ALSO Family days, early Saturday morning allow you to learn something at a museum and then get free passes to go back later with the entire family and explore on your own.

4) Family cooking - sometimes we make playdough too!

Good luck! Winter can be a challenge, but we get closer to Spring every day.

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