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Meeting Goals & Celebrating Culture

It's cold out there! Warm up in these frigid months by running around the city celebrating and learning more vocabulary like a champ!

First up, Black History month. Here are some ideas: you can visit the great borough of Brooklyn to learn about the AMAZING Shirley Chisholm, visit the Schomburg Center, The United Nations

or the New York historical society to learn more about important people in our shared cultural histories.

Then.. celebrate the year of The White Rat in Chinatown for the Lunar New Year celebration. I LOVE Lunar New Year, its food, traditions and parades. SO FUN.

After you celebrate, practice re-telling stories about what you learned, did, ate and saw. Use new vocabulary such as, "inspiring, joyous, exhilarating, gigantic, colorful".

How to tell a good story:

1) Draw a picture that includes: where, when, what, who, and how you felt.

2) Use the words, "first, next, last" to transition between information.

GET FANCY telling your story and include "because, then, second, therefore, just then..."

Bonus: Create a blanket fort in your WARM living room to tell stories.

* Use your FINE MOTOR skills to create a blanket fort.

* Use your problem solving skills to solve the problems of fort building- there are always a lot!

Have a wonderful Winter season.

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