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Despite it being the month that has only 28 days, February can feel long. Luckily there are a great deal of things to celebrate this month. Black history month, President's week and Valentines' day are among some of the things to get out of our houses and celebrate. But, did you know that it's also American Heart month, Chocolate lover's month, National Pie Month, Deaf history month, library month, craft month and who can forget pancake day Feb 21st. To celebrate all of these things and practice your speech/language and OT goals, NYC has a lot to offer, from central park to history museums, there are many free or low cost things to do while you practice carryover tasks from your amazing therapists here at GMT!

1) Celebrate BHM, libraries, pie and your heart by honoring the life of the AMAZING New Yorker, congresswoman, Shirley Chisholm (1924-2005). Go to Brooklyn, where she lived and see the library. Shirley was famous for saying she was, "unbought and unbossed." She was a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus and ran for President in 1972. After learning about Shirley, find John Lewis' graphic novel trilogy. Then your heart will be so happy you'll need to visit Nearby Pie bakers for PIE! There are several near the library - 3 things celebrated in one day- good job!

2) Celebrate women presidents from around the world. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir from Iceland was the first woman to democratically be elected present of a country. Stay local, G. Washington and T. Roosevelt have houses in NYS. Did you know that some Presidents had "weird" pets? Roosevelt; snake and flying squirrel, and Quincy Adams, he had an alligator in the tub! Visit the zoos around town to celebrate them!

4) Feb. 21st IHOP celebrates National Pancake day. Get the chocolate ones and you'll celebrate 2 events at one meal!

5) Learn some sign language on Youtube. You can learn to say, "I LOVE YOU" for Feb. 14th.

Whatever you do, wherever you are, practicing Speech and OT are soooo much fun!

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