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Back to school Prep

Summer fun doesn't have to end even as September looms. Ben Franklin is quoted as having said, "diligence is the mother of good luck," and I like to feel lucky during the transitions back to school, so I try to prepare as best I can. On that note, here are some things you can start thinking about...

1) Get those back to school lists and start shopping now. Some Big Box stores already have deals.

2) Procrastinating with homework packets?

* It may be time for reward charts - complete 30

minutes, get a prize.

3) Deal with anxiety. Feeling anxious causes us to act in ways that are often counter productive. People with speech and language delays may have extra challenges verbalizing what they feel. This may help-

* Use personal examples when asking what's wrong.

"when I am worried I ...."

* Practice my favorite word "AND" as in, " I feel

worried AND I can ask for help.

* Give them phrases such as, " I need help," and "Tell

me again."

* Ask them to ask a question, "what do you want to


4) Talk about September in little bites.

5) Come up with some words and phrases they can use about feelings, help them find strategies that makes those feelings better: jumping jacks, running, walking, hugs?

6) Practice going to bed early, as much as you can.

For other ideas about anxiety in our children see our blog post from March. Need more help? Visit my FAVORITE site,

Most important, HAVE FUN!

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